Home Wine Information Blog

8:49 PM

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Home Wine For Your Reading Pleasure

Wine lovers, how tasty is your wine?(What you need to know).

For all those wine lovers out there who would like to know everything about wine, (but are afraid to ask) here is a quick reference, a must for any connaisseur. Several minor problems can inhibate your favourite beverage being enjoyed to the full. All to often wine is drunk at the wrong temperature, be it too warm, not warm enough, to cold or not cold enough.

Below is a guide to keep you right, on the correct sevring temperature, storing and preservation of both wine and champagne.

What is the right temperature for serving wine?

The general guide for storing red wines, white wines, sparkling wines and champagnes are as follows :
Red wine, usually between 18 and 22 degrees(C),(or room temperature).
White wines & rose wines are mainly kept between 5 and 7 degrees(C),(usually kept in a fridge or cooler).
Champagne & sparkling wines again store between 3 and 5 degrees(C) and could be kept in a separate fridge or cooler.

White wines & Sparkling wines

White wines, sparkling wines and rose wines should be placed in a fridge before serving so as to make sure they are adequately chilled to optimum temperature. It is far better to use a wine cooler when serving white wines and rose's and an ice bucket when serving the Champagne & sparkling wines.
For serving Champagne & sparkling wines fill the bucket 1/2 with ice and water, this method keeps the champagne chilled to perfection. Also to achieve the professional touch place a white serving cloth over over the bucket for handling the bottle

Red Wines
Red wines usually tend to be at room temperature on a wine rack or placed elsewhere separate form the other wines. For displaying wine that is served often the level of light is not to much to worry about as the light would have enough time to have any affect on the wine.
There are different red wines that require some temperature variation for optimum taste for example, Merlots, Sauvignons and Zinfandels. Moderately tannic red wines like Merlot have been shown to taste better at slightly lower than normal room temperature, somewhere between 15 and 18 degrees (C). And of course, a few super high tannin reds like Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandels and Syrahs need less of a chill, yet still are preferred somewhere between 17 and 19 degrees(C).

Tannic wines:
Tannin is the compound found in wine, deriving primarilly from the skin of the grape, that allows wine to age well. Tannin makes the wine "dry" in your mouth, because of this quality that people sometimes say tannin in young wine can be "searing."
For correct storing conditions You will need a cool, dark or dimly lit area that is somewhat humid to store your red wine. The temperature should be right around 11 to 18 degrees (C). and should remain fairly constant throughout the storage period.
Wine that is stored in conditions warmer than these tend to age faster. A wine you would normally consider keeping for 6 to 10 years might only be kept for 3 to 5 years . Bright lighting can also have a deleterious affect on wine so you'll want your cellar to remain dark or dimly lit at best.

How long can I store wine? What will I need?

Most wine, made or imported into the USA up to the $20.00 price point, is meant to be consumed within a year or two of release. Sure some of these will get better in another year of two, and if this happens its ok. Most of the world's wines (at least 90%) are meant to be consumed young. Some Red wines though can be cellared for prolonged periods of time and some of the finest reds in the world can be kept for a number of years.
Ageworthy wines are based on one of three grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, or Nebbiolo. Perfect examples of these three are red Bordeaux, Hermitage, and Barolo.

Can leftover wine be saved? For how long and how can i do it?

Leftover wine can be saved, The key point here is to keep oxygen away from the wine. When wine oxydizes, it degrades quickly and can soon turn into a good salad dressing vinegar. Find a small container that will hold the wine that is left over to the point were the container is virtually overflowing. Cap the container with a cork or plug so that some of the wine spills out. This way, you will have no air in the container. Store the container in your refrigerator.
When you are ready to drink it again, remove the container and let it warm-up to the desired drinking temperature, depending on whether it is red or white wine. You can store your wine this way for about 5 to 7 days. But not much longer than this. Another idea for cooks is to freeze leftover wine in ice cube trays, then transfer to freezer bags to use in sauces. etc.

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I started my career as a bartender many years ago in a small pub in Ireland. My great passion for the trade has given me the opportunity to travel while expanding my knowledge and experience. During my extensive travels I have worked in many different & flamboyant environments. While I gained flairing, exhibitionist and cocktail mixology skills I had the opportunity to flavour many different cultures and there differing tastes.
Mr wine how to serve wine

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bar equipment

About the Author

I started my career as a bartender many years ago in a small pub in Ireland. My great passion for the trade has given me the opportunity to travel while expanding my knowledge and experience. During my extensive travels I have worked in many different & flamboyant environments. While I gained flairing, exhibitionist and cocktail mixology skills I had the opportunity to flavour many different cultures and there differing tastes.

Home Wine and More

Wine and Oak - A beautiful relationship

One of the biggest influences on the flavour of wine is whether it has been matured, or even just stored, in oak. There are people who are prejudiced ...

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Home Wine Products we recommend

Professional Corkpuller Replacement Worm

Replacement worm for your Professional Corkpuller.

Price: 19.95 USD

Home Wine in the news

Single's Wine Tasting at The Wine Encounter

Oct 25, new wine 2006 (Wed): Are you interested in meeting other fun and attractive singles who also have an interest in wine?  You will learn the insider secrets to exploring the world of wine from wine professionals, without the snobbery.  Featuring Cabernet wines.  Reservations Required.

Wine Barrel


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3:07 PM

Keeping in mind the important points about Home Wine , we hope this article on Home Wine proves to be very informative to you. Use these points well.

Home Wine For Your Reading Pleasure

Why Are Wine Cellars Beneficial?

Drinking wine is not only for occasions as we all know. What happens when you feel like drinking wine and it is not available? You have a surprise visitor and you want to have this wine but it is not on the market? These situations would be less tough if you have a wine cellar.

A wine cellar could store the wines you have and keep them more delicious as time passes by.

Is having a wine cellar not expensive?

Like any other home equipment, you need of course a sum of money to buy your own wine cellar. The expense will not be that long-termed for sooner you could gradually attain the long-term benefits of the wine cellar you have.

How does a wine cellar improve one?s entrepreneurial skills?

Owning a wine cellar and increasing the number of wines you store on it is a way of polishing you as a future entrepreneur. As your knowledge of wines improves along the process, you could never ignore the fact that you would also be interested in starting your own wine business.

What is the best wine cellar?

Different wine cellars have their individual strengths and they vary a lot. It depends on how one sees a good wine cellar. To make your choices better, you could read about helpful tips on choosing the right wine cellar. To add, online search would be convenient and effective too.

Why is a wine cellar important?

Wine is more than a delightful drink. It has with its contents healthful benefits. Having a cellar to keep it with you without having to worry much every time you need some of it is the meaning of convenience and assurance as well.

Wine cellars are the chest that holds within them the treasure- the bottles of wine!

About the Author:

Julia Martinez is a freelance writer for the Wine Times. She writes a regular column which is published every Thursday. Her latest 'favorite pick' is Wine Cellars.

Home Wine and More

Why Are Wine Cellars Beneficial?

Drinking wine is not only for occasions as we all know. What happens when you feel like drinking wine and it is not available? You have a surprise vis...

Click Here to Read More About Wine ...

Home Wine Products we recommend

Napa Wine Label Bar and Stemware Rack

A stylish and space saving furniture piece our Napa Wine Bar is topped with a removable tray that features artist Angela Staehling’s appealing Napa Cabernet Sauvignon label design. Trimmed in black it will store six wine bottles necks down to keep the corks moist and 24 wine glasses within easy access. 32'H x 32'W x 11'D.

Price: 149.95 USD

Current Home Wine News

Citrus Heights Wine Tasting-Meet up event

Oct 04, 2006 (Wed): Welcome
Wine Tasting in Citrus Heights! We'll use the time to get to know each other, talk about wine and enjoy the great ideas of food pairing too. Come and enjoy great wine and appetizers.Wine tasting will be once a month the 1st Wed. of every month-(Wednesday is when we need wine!)Enjoy boutique wines from Wine Shop At Home and sign up for your very own wine tasting party. Wonderful gift ideas for the holiday too. www.tastegr8wine.com
RSVP today
email at tastegr8wine@yahoo.com

Pinot Noir
Rice Wine
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10:28 AM

Of all the articles that I have written, I consider this article of Home Wine to be my best article. Hope you feel the same too.

Home Wine For Your Reading Pleasure

Wine Cellar Innovations

The basic purpose of a wine cellar is to effectively control the aging process of wine. Once bottled, wine starts to mature, so proper storage is essential for it to mature in the right manner. The advantage of having a wine cellar is that you don't have to go out and get a bottle of wine every time you are ready to sit down and eat, or want to enjoy a glass. Having your own cellar enables you to plan and store wines for special occasions, even the odd unforeseen ones.

A wine cellar is basically a storage place for wine. Any dark cool room will do; it doesn't necessarily have to be underground. A wine cellar can be any location from a spot below the basement staircase to a room built especially for this purpose. Innovators work with the homeowner to design a cellar, which might include carvings, pillars, molding along the wall and perhaps a decorative wine-tasting table that is usually positioned outside the cellar. Traditionally, a wine cellar was underground because such a location kept the wines at a proper temperature. Ideally, a wine cellar should be dry and cool. The ideal temperature to be maintained is 50?- 55?F, but a reasonably consistent temperature between 45?F and 70?F is acceptable. What's important is that the temperature remains constant. If there are changes to the temperature, the change shouldn't be drastic. Although wines age faster in warmer temperatures, excessive heat can damage the wine. Expertise lies in getting the temperature just right.

Wine cellar air conditioning units control the temperature in order to age wine in perfect conditions. They also provide the ideal humidity level for a wine cellar. The type of cellar that you need depends on the kinds of wine in your collection.

Innovation provides detailed information on Innovation, Audio Visual Innovations, Mobile Computing Innovations, Wine Cellar Innovations and more. Innovation is affiliated with Healing Reiki.

A Short Home Wine Summary

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If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Tuscany region of central Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you?ll have f...

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Recommended Home Wine Items

The FTD Memories Bouquet - Deluxe

White lilies burst forth in this classy and sophisticated bouquet. Appropriate for the home or funeral home. S35-3182D

Price: 199.99 USD

Home Wine in the news

Wooden Wine Rack Vs. Metal Wine Rack

There is more than one kind of wine rack on the market and choosing the right wine rack for your wine collection is no small task. You have a choice between a metal wine rack and a wooden wine rack, these are the most favored type of wine racks to date. Each wine rack has its own set of benefits and the wine rack that you choose will take a couple of things into consideration such as personal taste and home décor.

Wine Lover


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Posted by Bill Jackson | 0 comments